Jean-Pierre Gauthier has been active on the contemporary art scene since the mid-1990s when he quickly gained recognition for the inventiveness of his work.
In 2004, Gauthier was the recipient of the Sobey Art Award for the kinetic installations that have emerged from his exploration of the acoustic and metaphorical potential of the found object, which combine humour and poetry in a highly rigorous investigative approach. With an ingenuity seldom seen, they bring together the notions of order and chaos, permanence and fragility, performance and gratuitousness. This exhibition of works from the past 10 years is the first comprehensive survey of his artistic career.
The exhibition Jean-Pierre Gauthier: Machines à l’œuvre / Machines at Play is organized and circulated by the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, a provincially owned corporation funded by the Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine du Québec. The national tour of the exhibition has been made possible with the financial support of the Department of Canadian Heritage through its Museums Assistance Program.