Dec 1 2017 to June 10 2018
Mark Kasumovic’s photographs and video work revolves around the inherent truth-value of the photograph and the many limitations within the medium. His latest body of work uses the tourist as a backdrop to explore the explosion of digital images as data in the information age.
Kasumovic captures the mediated experience of ‘the tourist’ at various destinations around the world. In this video, Peggy’s Cove (An Ideal Composition), Variant #1, Kasumovic those who populate the site, as opposed to the splendor of the site itself, slowly emerge as the clear focus of his inquiry.
Kasumovic received a MFA from NSCAD University in 2012, and the province’s tourist sites provided rich material for his artistic investigations.
Image: Mark Kasumovic, Peggy’s Cove (An Ideal Composition), Variant #1, 2012, Video still. Purchased with funds provided by the Robert Pope Foundation, 2013, 2013.5 /p>