The Mi’kma’ki Artists’ Spotlight, a section found within the exhibition Ta’n a’sikatikl sipu’l | Confluence, celebrates artwork created by Indigenous artists across Mi’kma’ki. Mi’kmaq Territory stretches across Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, parts of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, the Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec, and Northeastern Maine. The Mi’kma’ki Artists’ Spotlight is designed to be refreshed and rejuvenated regularly with newly featured artists.
In 2023 – 2024, we are delighted to host artworks by artist Meagan Musseau! The featured works include pieces from multiple series, including Material Harvesting and Intergalactic L’nu Baskets.
“The fabric store is a source of joy and inspiration. My attention is drawn to fabrics that remind me of my family; patterns, colours, textures that whisper mother, sister, uncle, brother. I hear in my mind “cousins” while deciding on metres of neon ribbons. Material harvesting is a time when I gather supplies and begin to visualize textiles and artworks as a way to tell stories.” ― Meagan Musseau

Curated by: Aiden Gillis & Michael McCormack
About the Artist
Meagan Musseau is an L’nu1 woman from Elmastukwek, Ktaqmkuk2 currently living in Unama’kik3. She is an artist, dancer, and proud Aunty who works with artistic mediums such as basketry, textiles, land-based performance, and video. Her works explore themes of kinship, harvesting, connection to territory and matriarchal empowerment through the use of customary and contemporary materials. Meagan is actively engaged in the arts on Mi’kma’ki and throughout her career she has won numerous awards and exhibited works nationally and internationally.
- L’nu: Translates to “Mi’kmaw person,” in the Mi’kmaw language. Plural form is L’nu’k.
- Elmastukwek, Ktaqmkuk: Bay of Islands, West Coast Newfoundland. Translates to, “going away from the river.”
- Unama’ki: Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Translates to, “the land of the fog.”