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Life as a Legend: Marilyn Monroe captures the spark, sex appeal and sensation that was Marilyn Monroe through the art of Andy Warhol,Robert Indiana, Peter Blake, Eve Arnold, Bert Stern, Henri Cartier-Bresson and many others. This vivid and diverse exhibition of 186 objects captures Marilyn’s rise to stardom through works by more than 65 artists in styles ranging from fashion photography to Pop Art. Documenting the iconic life of America’s favorite sex symbol, this exhibition showcases one of the world’s most famous and intriguing women.

Though her life ended far too soon, the world’s fascination with Marilyn Monroe’s magnetic appeal and much publicized private life has continuedto thrive over time. There has never been another Marilyn, a unique personification of femininity, naïveté and sexuality. For decades artists have been inspired by Marilyn to create their own works complementing the instantly recognizable bombshell figure, platinum hair and dazzling smile. Marilyn Monroe personifies glamour, Hollywood and sensuality. The death of Marilyn Monroe remains a mystery as does the private woman behind the myth of Marilyn. However, Life as a Legend, Marilyn Monroe celebrates the many sides of this 1950s glamour goddess and immortal legend.

Real beauty and femininity are ageless and can’t be contrived. Glamour can be manufactured.

Marilyn Monroe



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