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Artists: Malaya Akulukjuk, Hanna Akulukjuk, Paul Angiyou, Johnniebo Ashevak, Ned Bear, David J. Brooks, Dozay Christmas, Charles Doucette, Billy Gauthier, Brandon Hoax, Kawtysee Kakee, Rita Letendre, Duane Linklater, Flora May, Norval Morrisseau, Meagan Musseau, Meeko (Sarah) Nastapoka, Parsa Nowra, Daphne Odjig, Annie Pootoogook, Eegyvudluk Pootoogook, Alan Syliboy, Lucassie Takatak, Jamasie Teevee, and Qabaroak Qatsiya.

Water is life and connects us all. As rivers separate, they rejoin downstream and take with them what they have collected on their travels—shifting, distilling, collecting.

Where rivers meet, Ta’n a’sikatikl sipu’l | Confluence, encourages an ongoing dialogue about connection and exchange. It has been built on themes inspired by the work of selected First Nations, Inuit, and Métis artists mainly from the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia’s Permanent Collection. This exhibition highlights seven guiding topics that collectively build caring relationships: Awareness, Reflection, Sustainability & Treaty, Community, Memory & Remembering, Gathering & Knowledge, and Sharing.

Ta’n a’sikatikl sipu’l | Confluence celebrates works by Indigenous artists practicing here on Mi’kma’ki (Mi’kmaq Territory) and activates engagement between generations through the Mi’kma’ki Artists’ Spotlight. This exhibition also includes (Tea)chings, a space for artwork created through Indigenous-centred programing by community members of all ages.

Curated by: Aiden Gillis & Michael McCormack
Exhibition Design byPatuo’kn




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