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Check out Our Painted House at the Gallery! This drop-in activity is inspired by Maud Lewis’ iconic Painted House. Using a variety of materials, you are invited to create your own artwork shingle to add to the painted house, an almost-to-scale image of Maud’s home. Inspired by Maud's...

Make It Like Maud: Painting Class Series

Join us this winter for kid’s painting classes at the Gallery. This 4-week workshop series, led by artist-educator, Rosemary Clarke Young, will inspire young creatives, while they learn new painting techniques and have fun! Each artmaking class will begin with a visit to the Maud Lewis Gallery to...

Make Day! Wooden Weaving

Join us at the Gallery for our upcoming Make Day inspired by the exhibition Ta’n a’sikatikl sipu’l | Confluence! Lead by Mi’kmaw artist and youth programmer Melanie Nasson, guests will use white ash to learn weaving in an activity inspired by Mi’kmaw baskets. Paint the weavings and seal...

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